ارباب و بنده

The stories collected in this volume demonstrate Tolstoy's artistic prowess displayed over five decades— experimenting with prose styles and drawing on his own experiences with humor and compassion. “The Two Hussars,” inspired by his time in the army, contrasts a dashing father and his mean-spirited son. Illustrating Tolstoy's belief that art must serve a moral purpose, “What Men Live By” portrays an angel sent to earth to learn three existential rules of life. And in the deeply moving “Master and Man,” a mercenary merchant travels with his unprotesting servant through a blizzard to close a business deal—little realizing he may soon have to settle accounts with his maker.
8.5 /10

ارباب و بنده

The stories collected in this volume demonstrate Tolstoy's artistic prowess displayed over five decades— experimenting with prose styles and drawing on his own experiences with humor and compassion. “The Two Hussars,” inspired by his time in the army, contrasts a dashing father and his mean-spirited son. Illustrating Tolstoy's belief that art must serve a moral purpose, “What Men Live By” portrays an angel sent to earth to learn three existential rules of life. And in the deeply moving “Master and Man,” a mercenary merchant travels with his unprotesting servant through a blizzard to close a business deal—little realizing he may soon have to settle accounts with his maker.

لئو تولستوی (لف تالستوی)

لِو (لِف) نیکلایِ ویچ تولستوی (تالستوی) (۹ سپتامبر ۱۸۲۸ در یاسنایا پالیانا )، فعال سیاسی-اجتماعی و نویسنده روسی بود. تولستوی از نویسندگان نامی تاریخ معاصر روسیه به‌شمار می‌آید. رمان‌های جنگ و صلح و آنا کارنینا تولستوی از بهترین‌های ادبیات داستانی جهان هستند. تولستوی در روسیه بسیار محبوب است و سکه طلای یادبود به احترام وی ضرب شده‌است. تولستوی در زمان زنده بودنش شهرت و محبوبیتی جهانی داشت اما به سادگی زندگی می‌کرد. نام تولستوی در زبان انگلیسی معمولاً به صورت «لئو تولستوی» نوشته می‌شود. تولستوی در روز ۲۰ نوامبر ۱۹۱۰ درگذشت و در زادگاه خویش به خاک سپرده شد.


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