گفت وگو با چاپلین

The films of Federico Fellini (1920-1993) dealt equally with truth-tellers and pretenders, realists and fabulists. His colorful, surreal vision of cinema is so distinctive that the term "Felliniesque" is common among film buffs, even those who have not seen any of his films. This collection of interviews spans the director's entire career from 1957 to 1993.
6 /10
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گفت وگو با چاپلین

The films of Federico Fellini (1920-1993) dealt equally with truth-tellers and pretenders, realists and fabulists. His colorful, surreal vision of cinema is so distinctive that the term "Felliniesque" is common among film buffs, even those who have not seen any of his films. This collection of interviews spans the director's entire career from 1957 to 1993.

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