دایره وحشت13 (ساعت محکومیت)

"Michael Webster's little sister Tara is a total pest! She's always ruining everything -- even his birthday party! Michael finally decides to get even with Tara when he catches her playing with an antique cuckoo clock they were told not to touch! One night Michael sets the clock's hands back one hour hoping Tara will get in trouble -- only the next morning, Michael discoverers that by setting the the clock back one hour, he's moved back in time!"
3.5 /10

دایره وحشت13 (ساعت محکومیت)

"Michael Webster's little sister Tara is a total pest! She's always ruining everything -- even his birthday party! Michael finally decides to get even with Tara when he catches her playing with an antique cuckoo clock they were told not to touch! One night Michael sets the clock's hands back one hour hoping Tara will get in trouble -- only the next morning, Michael discoverers that by setting the the clock back one hour, he's moved back in time!"

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