ادبیات جهان را چگونه بخوانیم

How to Read World Literature addresses the unique challenges faced by a reader confronting foreign literature. Accessible and enlightening, Damrosch offers readers the tools to navigate works as varied as Homer, Sophocles, Kalidasa, Du Fu, Dante, Murasaki, Moliere, Kafka, Soyinka, and Walcott. Offers a unique “set of modes of entry” for readers encountering foreign literature Provides readers with the tools to think creatively and systematically about key issues such as reading across time and cultures, reading translated works, and emerging global perspectives Covers a wide variety of genres, from lyric and epic poetry to drama and prose fiction and discuss how these forms have been used in different eras and cultures
8 /10

ادبیات جهان را چگونه بخوانیم

How to Read World Literature addresses the unique challenges faced by a reader confronting foreign literature. Accessible and enlightening, Damrosch offers readers the tools to navigate works as varied as Homer, Sophocles, Kalidasa, Du Fu, Dante, Murasaki, Moliere, Kafka, Soyinka, and Walcott. Offers a unique “set of modes of entry” for readers encountering foreign literature Provides readers with the tools to think creatively and systematically about key issues such as reading across time and cultures, reading translated works, and emerging global perspectives Covers a wide variety of genres, from lyric and epic poetry to drama and prose fiction and discuss how these forms have been used in different eras and cultures

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