"سکسه ام بند نمی آید، چارلی و لولا"

"The day of the school concert, Lola and Lotta are practicing the song theyare going to perform when Lola gets a bad case of the hiccups. Everyone tries to help her get rid of them, but nothing works. Will Lola be able to stop hiccuping in time for the show?"
3 /10

"سکسه ام بند نمی آید، چارلی و لولا"

"The day of the school concert, Lola and Lotta are practicing the song theyare going to perform when Lola gets a bad case of the hiccups. Everyone tries to help her get rid of them, but nothing works. Will Lola be able to stop hiccuping in time for the show?"

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