سفرنامه 1 (جانستان کابلستان: روایت سفر به افغانستان)

In 2009, Reza Amirkhani went from Mashhad to Afghanistan, with his wife and son. He went to Afghanistan by chance, but fell in love with the land's magical familiarity and difference, at the same time. Wandering about in neighbor's lands provided a chance for Amirkhani to take a second look at Iran; its new adventures and the future to come. This book is one of Amirkhani's best-selling titles. The anticipations for its release were exceptionally sensational. His wise choice of words and phrases, warm prose on one hand, and witty look over the similarities and differences between Iran and Afghanistan, on the other, have turned this title into a bestseller. Amirkhani always tries to keep a neutral position, and this is why his audience, who come from different backgrounds of society, trust him.
7 /10
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سفرنامه 1 (جانستان کابلستان: روایت سفر به افغانستان)

In 2009, Reza Amirkhani went from Mashhad to Afghanistan, with his wife and son. He went to Afghanistan by chance, but fell in love with the land's magical familiarity and difference, at the same time. Wandering about in neighbor's lands provided a chance for Amirkhani to take a second look at Iran; its new adventures and the future to come. This book is one of Amirkhani's best-selling titles. The anticipations for its release were exceptionally sensational. His wise choice of words and phrases, warm prose on one hand, and witty look over the similarities and differences between Iran and Afghanistan, on the other, have turned this title into a bestseller. Amirkhani always tries to keep a neutral position, and this is why his audience, who come from different backgrounds of society, trust him.

رضا امیرخانی

رضا امیرخانی (زاده ۱۳۵۲، تهران) نویسنده و منتقد ادبی ایرانی است. او دارای گواهی‌نامهٔ خلبانی نیز هست و در سال ۱۳۷۱، جوان‌ترین خلبان ایران لقب گرفت. او مدتی نیز رئیس هیئت مدیره انجمن قلم ایران بود.


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