من او را دوست داشتم

‘How long does it take to forget the smell of someone who loved you? And when do you stop loving them?’ When Chloé’s husband leaves her and their children for another woman, she is devastated. Unexpectedly, it’s her usually distant father-in-law who comes to Chloé’s aid, both with practical help and his personal wisdom on life and love. In this beautifully crafted novella, Anna Gavalda poignantly explores the fragility of human relationships.
5 /10

من او را دوست داشتم

‘How long does it take to forget the smell of someone who loved you? And when do you stop loving them?’ When Chloé’s husband leaves her and their children for another woman, she is devastated. Unexpectedly, it’s her usually distant father-in-law who comes to Chloé’s aid, both with practical help and his personal wisdom on life and love. In this beautifully crafted novella, Anna Gavalda poignantly explores the fragility of human relationships.

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