مسائل فلسفه

This accessibly clear little book is a stimulating guide to those problems of philosophy which often mistakenly make the subject seem too lofty & abstruse for laypersons. Appearance & reality The existence of matter The nature of matter Idealism Knowledge by acquaintance & knowledge by description On induction On our knowledge of general principles How a Priori knowledge is possible The world of universals On our knowledge of universals On intuitive knowledge Truth & falsehood Knowledge, error & probable opinion The limits of philosophical knowledge The value of philosophy Bibliographical note Index
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مسائل فلسفه

This accessibly clear little book is a stimulating guide to those problems of philosophy which often mistakenly make the subject seem too lofty & abstruse for laypersons. Appearance & reality The existence of matter The nature of matter Idealism Knowledge by acquaintance & knowledge by description On induction On our knowledge of general principles How a Priori knowledge is possible The world of universals On our knowledge of universals On intuitive knowledge Truth & falsehood Knowledge, error & probable opinion The limits of philosophical knowledge The value of philosophy Bibliographical note Index

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